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Butler's glen walk from mamore.jpg

Butler's Glen Looped Walk

Access: Public transport is limited in this area, but a local bus service does link villages in the locality. A car park is available on the north side of Mamore Gap at the beginning of the hike with ample parking available.

Hike Distance: 10.5km

Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult - This hike varies between bog land, old dirt roads and steep hill sides so you are advised to wear appropriate hiking footwear. There are a number of ascents and descents on this hike so you will need a good level of fitness in order to complete it. 


Time to complete: 2.5hrs to 3 hrs - allow time for a bit of food to enjoy the views and recharge your energy levels

Notable features and additional info: The beginning of this hike is close to Mamore gap and offers some great views of Lenan Bay and Dunaff head. As you begin to ascend the Urris hills you will start to see some better views of the wider Inishowen area. The path itself is marked with stakes making it easy to navigate, once you reach the summit of your first climb you will have the option of which direction to complete your loop in. If you keep following the stakes to your left you will descend into Butlers glen along an old dirt road. This road takes you along the little stream that eventually feeds the famous Glenevin waterfall (not part of this walk, but can be accessed further down if you wish to encompass it into your hike.). You will then turn back on yourself (at the park bench - follow the stakes that lead off to the right) and begin the ascent of  Crocknacurragh, once at the summit you will have a spectacular view of north Inishowen and Tullagh Bay. This part of the loop is not on a pathway therefore you will be required to walk on steep boggy land at times depending on weather. As you travel back in a south westerly direction from the summit, you will eventually join up with the starting section again and views of Lough Swilly on your left. You will then descend down the same route to your initial starting point.



訪問: OSI Map 2,網格編號:C046 336-該區域的公共交通受到限制,但是當地公交車確實連接了該地區的各個村莊。可以使用大型停車場,但是費用較低(在撰寫本文時,費用為5歐元-更換機器)。停車費籌集的資金用於公園的維護,因此它是重要的收入來源。根據一年中的不同時間,進入停車場的時間確實有所不同,因此在計劃步行時請務必將這一因素考慮在內。

遠足距離:自然教育徑-1.5公里;紅色步道-13公里;綠色步道-3.5公里,黃色步道-4公里;海洋步道-2.5公里;沙丘步道-1公里;文物徑-5公里; Binngorm步道-3.5公里;鹽沼步道-0.5公里

難度:自然步道-容易;紅色小徑-費勁;綠色步道-容易;黃色小徑-容易;海上步道-輕鬆;沙丘步道-輕鬆;遺產步道-中等; Binngorm步道-費勁;鹽沼小徑-簡單

完成時間:自然教育徑-1小時;紅色小徑-4小時;綠色步道-1.5小時;黃色小徑-1.5小時;海洋步道-1小時;沙丘步道-1.5小時;遺產步道-2小時; Binngorm步道-2小時;鹽沼小徑-1小時



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