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Derrylaghan, Derrylahan, Coast Road, Kilcar, Co. Donegal, Ireland

Property Description

A unique hostel accommodation in a quiet location near Kilcar, county Donegal. The Hostel is located on a working farm, near the beach and only 10 minutes from the spectacular Slieve League sea cliffs (Some of Europe's highest).

There are 10 hostel rooms with 32 beds in total, including dormitory style, double beds, family rooms (groups welcome). Free WIFI and modern facilities.

Campsite and Caravan parking onsite also.

Background: Shaun McCloskey has run a small, warm, and friendly hostel and campsite for many years with many regular visitors.

Contact Agent

+353 (0)74 9738079
+353 (0)74 9738447

Property Type

Campsite and hostel

Property Location

Derrylaghan, Derrylahan, Coast Road, Kilcar, Co. Donegal, Ireland

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